首届“西泠杯”全国中小学师生书法大赛正式启动刘钢:一个时光收藏者的自白“全国大学生美术作品展”新闻发布会钞版纪念券首次入藏国家级博物馆法国阿韦龙省当代艺术展在宁波开展新水墨市场:“回暖”正在路上香港春拍:如何鉴赏中国山水画中国嘉德春拍预览:王铎书法赏析民国京津领军人物杰作亮相嘉德春拍博物馆日到来之际,细数博物馆面临的挑战与应对艺术市场崛起与“天价专业户”诞生浅谈艺术中的形式与生命王进玉:当今画坛的一个现实问题邱志杰:以“不息”回应“艺术永生”“为中国画”教学写生研讨会现场观点思维大碰撞冯远:当代中国画并非背叛的选择“兴会”在传统书法中的审美意义桑火尧境象主义作品展中国美术馆开幕华彩丹青一甲子——北京画院六十年展览开幕K11 Art Foundation推出“勘玉钏”梁远苇个展天津画院写生作品展在青年美术创作研究中心青创美术馆举行梁崎先生的弟子:天津书画家李岩北京湖社画会画家做客天津金带福路文化中心溢彩纷呈-贺建国霍然泼彩艺术展在天津图书馆开幕天津玺朗艺术中心首展张胜绘画专题研究观摩展炫彩五月-天津市政协水彩画艺术研究院作品展在津沽书画会开幕福猿丹青-徐培晨作品展在荣宝斋天津分店开幕翰墨秀山-南开大学秀山画会成立仪式暨首展在鼎天中国空间举行祖国颂-申世辉中国山水画创作及教学成果展在天津美术馆开展弛笔问道-贾宝珉花鸟画小品展在天津图书馆开幕林建勋竹刻和草书作品欣赏天津市政协花鸟画艺术研究院成立暨首届作品展开展对景写生 问道自然-著名画家柴博森国画作品欣赏《况瑞峰书八体千字文》捐赠暨签售活动在天津国展中心举行凤舞祥语-陈之海中国画作品展在天津图书大厦开展
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天津美术网 www.022meishu.com 2017-05-12 13:46

  天津美术网讯 香格纳北京很荣幸地宣布将于2017年5月20日举办艺术家陈维在香格纳画廊的首次同名个展,这也是时隔近10年,陈维在北京的第一个新个展。

  ShanghART Beijing is pleased to announce an inaugural solo show in the same name of artist CHEN Wei, opening on May 20, 2017. This is Chen's first solo show in Beijing over the past 10 years, as well as his first solo in ShanghART Gallery.

  开幕 Opening

  2017/05/20, 4pm-7pm

  展期 Duration

  2017/05/21-06/25, Tue.- Sun. 11am - 6pm (Closed on Mondays)

  地点 Location

  香格纳北京, 朝阳区机场辅路草场地261号 | ShanghART Beijing, 261 Caochangdi, Airport Side Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

新漆 | Fresh Paint |  2017

150x187.5cm | 摄影 | 收藏级喷墨打印 | Photograph | Archival Inkjet Print | Ed. 6


  Staged mise-en-scène and scenario re-enacting are often seen in Chen Wei's photography. In recent years, he has been working on the combination of stage setting and multi-media installation as an on-site extension in his work. This exhibition contains the artist's recent works of photography and installation, which will arouse our reconsideration of facts and imaginations upon city, within the blurred boundaries of fiction and reality constructed by him.


  A series of photographs of the urban architecture scene are derived from the ongoing project "New City" , which is about the imagination of the new city, and also about the status of the city in changes. By collecting, synthesizing and rebuilding, landscape is isolated from complex background, in that way, objects acquire clearer semantics.

新楼 | New Buildings | 2016

150x240cm | 摄影 | 收藏级喷墨打印 | Photograph | Archival Inkjet Print | Ed. 6


  A set of lighting installation is made up of three different sized LED advertising screens, purchased by the artist in a market. Each screen plays different advertisements and has varying degrees of glitch. Through Chen's acquisition and resettlement, these exaggerated, blunt, and even rude languages that used to haunt the city, are now glitched materials being brought back to the exhibition.


  Sculptures and photography of the Coin series have been initially developed since 2012 (the coins in the fountain) in the group exhibition "ON | OFF" at Ullens Center for Contemporary Art. Chen then gradually switch his focus on the coin and the nameless sculpture in the fountain. After several years of research, he shooted the flashing coins and sculptures that are no longer symbolic.


    About CHEN Wei

摄影:刘星 | Photo by Liu Xing


  近期个展:《俱乐部》,墨尔本当代摄影中心,墨尔本,澳大利亚(2017);《午间俱乐部》,由Francesco Bonami策划,JNBY艺术空间,杭州(2016);《在浪里》,K11美术馆,上海(2015)。

  近期群展:《We Chat:对话中国当代艺术》,德克萨斯亚洲协会,休斯敦,美国(2016);《China 8: 工作中——来自中国的摄影》,福克旺美术馆,埃森,德国(2015);《行文表演与想象:中国摄影 1911—2014》,斯塔万格美术馆,斯塔万格,挪威(2014);《我的一代:年轻中国艺术家》,橘郡美术馆,加州,美国(2015),坦帕美术馆,佛罗里达,俄克拉何马美术馆,俄克拉何马州,美国(2014);《ON|OFF:中国年轻艺术家的观念与实践》,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京(2012);《中华28人》,卢贝尔家族收藏,佛罗里达,美国(2013)等。


  Chen Wei, Born in 1980, Zhejiang Province, China. Currently lives and works in Beijing. He has been engaged in sound art and performance, and then turned to the video and installation. Chen Wei has exhibited extensively and internationally at numerous prestigious institutions and biennales.

  Recent solo exhibition includes: The Club, Centre for Contemporary Photography (CCP), Melbourne, Australia(2017); Noon Club, programmed by Francesco Bonami, JNBY Art Space, Hangzhou;In The Waves, chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai (2015).

  Recent group exhibition includes: We Chat: A Dialogue in Contemporary Chinese Art, Asia Society Texas Center, Houston, USA; The Work in Progress: Photography from China, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany (2015);Performance and Imagination: Chinese Photography 1911 - 2014, Stavanger Art Museum, Stavanger, Norway (2014); My Generation: Young Chinese Artists, Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, FL. and Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.(2014); ON | OFF: China's Young Artists in Concept and Practice, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, China (2012); 28 CHINESE, Rubell Family Collection/Contemporary Arts Foundation, Miami, USA (2013) etc.

  Chen Wei is awarded by Asia Pacific Photography Prize in 2011, and nominated by Prudential Eye Awards for Contemporary Asian Art in 2015.

来源:雅昌艺术网 责任编辑:简宁
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