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天津美术网讯 12月1日至12月13日,江上越个展“In to the light”在德国开幕。
In to the light 江上越个展 展览现场-1
In to the light 江上越个展 展览现场-2
登上展厅左边的一个8级白色台阶,从天花板吊下一个耳机,这也许是作者《天声人语?》的继续,引诱观众戴上耳机,面对眼前的一切听听上天的声音。听到的竟然是“Versicherung ,まじかよ,Euthanasie、俺と同じ..”,Why? What’s rang? 哈哈哈……,误听让人啼笑皆非。她用这样的语言游戏不但化解了展厅略带沉重的气氛,也让观众的思维走出展厅,思索不同国家、民族的差异,以及人性和社会更深层的东西。
In to the light 江上越个展 展览现场-3
In to the light 江上越个展 展览现场-4
In to the light 江上越个展 展览现场-5
In to the light 江上越个展 现场
In to the light 江上越个展 现场行为艺术-1
In to the light 江上越个展 现场行为艺术-2
The communication game at the end was very interesting and i liked eh concept of different hearings of the words and the similar phonetics. You learn even more with the mishearing because both sides have their own story to the world.
-David Krenz(德国KIT大学)
Every match burned down in an other way, and the constant need to pay attention and to ignite another one, reminded my very strongly of Sysiphus. Albert Camus described Sysiphus as happy man, as someone, who lives for his work, not working to get somewhere. I felt the same, in these moments, and this circumstance coincided with the other theoretical layers in Etsu Egamis work. The process of understanding, the clacking sounds describing the ongoing learning, just to get a small, fugitive insight, which is quickly covered in darkness again, the edge between Platons depiction of ignorance and knowledge: It was possible, to find all these aspects in this one single match I was carrying with me, while feeling its warm light on my skin.
-Kornelius Kindermann(德国KIT大学)
In to the light 江上越个展 画廊外景
《In to the light - Etsu Egami solo exhibition》
艺术家 : 江上越Etsu Egami
学术主持:Peter Weibel (德国ZKM艺术中心馆长)
策展人: Malte Pawelczyk(德国HFG)
学术主持德国ZKM馆长Peter Weibel馆长在展厅
德国HFG大学 Michael Bielicky教授在展厅
德国HFG大学Susane Kreeman 教授,Matthias Bruhn教授 Frederik在展厅
A different way of entering the world of hospitals - way are uncomfortable , and they have secrets. Thank you
-Matthias Bruhn教授(德国HFG大学)
德国HFG大学Omer Fast教授在展厅
艺术家江上越 EtsuEgami 在展厅里。
江上越(Egami Etsu)
2016 中央美术学院 硕士研究生 导师刘小东
德国 HFG交换留学 (国立卡尔斯鲁厄造型艺术大学)
2016 中央美术学院本科,油画系三工作室 毕业
1994 日本出生
2017 江上越个展 (日本东京银座)
In to the light ....Etsu Egami solo exhibition(βpace 德国)
2016 天声人语?—江上越个展 (DEHAIRI projects 日本东京 )
这不是误听游戏 (De sarthe Gallery Beijing project space )
误听×真相 (瀚艺术空间 Beijing)
中央美术学院美术馆 ,元典美术馆 , 树美术馆, 依恋集团,私人收藏