恩唐·维哈尔索 “半度分隔”1月11日开幕民营博物馆的“新活法”:助推中国艺术国际化150吨青瓷碎片见证“天下第一码头”辉煌美国大都会博物馆收藏的中国瓷器低温“冻”趴下 京城古玩市场蒙了马克龙宣布:蓬皮杜正式落户中国上海西藏考古60年 有啥重大发现?夏洪林荣获“最具收藏价值紫砂艺术家奖”无垠之门—杨运高宫扇精品新作展14日开幕深受浮世绘影响的印象派窥见宋式生活 汝窑“宋流”标本宋理宗为什么特制钱币大宋通宝?说钱范十 铸币:范铸法和翻砂法美术馆的门槛设在观众心里看看美术馆教育的社会需求有多大陕西周秦汉唐文物精华展 600多件馆藏亮相百余件明代王妃精美首饰江西展出 掀观众热潮“绘画中的秩序”:平面之上,绘画如何可能?章献明:理想课堂带来的评课变革甲骨文:一门古老而又年轻的学问“天津二JI”纪振民、姬俊尧荣获2017中国书画十大年度人物座谈会举行水墨抒神韵,写意蕴精神-青年画家王盟2018年台历闲情偶记-张耀来2018年台历欣赏 “君子同心—陆福林、张法东师生艺术展”在秦皇岛臻舍艺术馆开幕 水墨抒神韵,写意蕴精神——青年画家王盟2018年台历闲情偶记-张耀来2018年台历欣赏新时代、新艺象-天津市河北区水墨名家精品展在鸿德艺术馆开幕戊戌华彩-华刚年书法绘画作品展在天津市群艺馆开幕何家英专程来津观看“天之瓷—天瓷画院陶瓷艺术展”天津市武清区诗词楹联艺术家学会揭牌 张文华任学会会长视频:天津政协书画艺术研究会换届 尹沧海任会长视频:天津画院青创中心首批入选青年油画家作品展天津市政协书画艺术研究会换届 选举尹沧海为新一任会长新年伊始田门再添新丁 著名书法家田中荃喜收九位弟子京津冀书画家迎新年乡村笔会在黄庄镇小辛码头村举行
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恩唐·维哈尔索 “半度分隔”1月11日开幕

天津美术网 www.022meishu.com 2018-01-10 11:50

  恩唐·维哈尔索 — 半度分隔

  Entang Wiharso: Half Degree of Separation

  2018.1.11 - 2.25

  开幕 Opening:2018.1.11,6 - 8 pm

  当代唐人艺术中心  曼谷空间

  Tang Contemporary Art Bangkok

  天津美术网讯 当代唐人艺术中心曼谷空间荣幸地宣布,将于2018年1月11日推出恩唐·维哈尔索的个展“半度分隔”。恩唐·维哈尔索是印度尼西亚当代最杰出艺术家之一。“半度分隔”是维哈尔索在泰国的首场个展,囊括了他在印尼工作室里完成的新作,以及在纽约ISCP(国际工作室和策划项目)驻留期间的创作。



  《裹尸布没有口袋》 ,铝、汽车油漆、树脂、颜料、线、聚氨酯涂层,168 × 133cm,2017

  Shrouds Have No Pockets, Aluminum, car paint, resin, color pigment, thread, polyurethane coating, 168 × 133cm, 2017



  《灰烬:怪物项目》,布上丙烯、石墨、油彩,以树脂、颜料和线拼贴的眼球,172.5 × 147.5 cm,2017

  Ember: Monster Projects, Acrylic, graphite and oil on canvas with collaged eyes of resin, color pigment and thread, 172.5 × 147.5 cm, 2017



  《蓝色的林加岛》,布上丙烯、石墨、油彩,以树脂、颜料和线拼贴的眼球,210 × 390 cm,2017

  Blue Lingga, Acrylic, graphite and oil on canvas with collaged eyes of resin, color pigment and thread, 210 × 390 cm, 2017



  《树荫之下》,铝、汽车涂料、树脂、颜料、线,169 × 279 cm,2017

  Under Tree Shadow, Aluminum, car paint, resin, color pigment, thread, 169 × 279 cm, 2017

  Tang Contemporary Art Bangkok is proud to announce that “Half Degree of Separation”, a solo show of Entang Wiharso, will open on 11 January until 25 February 2018。 Entang Wiharso is one of Indonesia’s leading contemporary artists。 This is Wiharso’s first solo show in Thailand。

  Entitled “Half Degree of Separation,” the exhibition features a new body of work created in his studio in Indonesia and during his 2017 residency in New York City at International Studio & Curatorial Program。 In describing the concept for the show, Wiharso notes, “Half Degree of Separation comes from the idea of ‘six degree of separation,’ when you always have a connection to others in six steps or less。 Half degree of separation is the acceptance or refusal of connectivity, whether cultural or identity, with others。 The work for Tang Contemporary Art focuses on themes related to migration, the Indonesian diaspora, the settlement of land, the power of ownership and the idea of belonging, through the lens of family and history。 We can see the connection that always exists between past and current conditions through this lens。”


  《川普时代的亚当和夏娃》,布上丙烯、石墨、油彩,以树脂、颜料和线拼贴的眼球,172.5 × 142 cm,2017

  Adam and Eve Under DTE, Acrylic, graphite and oil on canvas with collaged eyes of resin, color pigment and thread, 172.5 × 142 cm, 2017

  Key motifs in his work – floating islands, walls and fences, cars and tables – are stages upon which a narrative about history, geography and family are presented。 He looks at the land and seas as a site of history and trade: the personal reasons and motivating factors that shape social systems, and the interconnections, philosophy and conflicts that still impact us today。 The tableaux of the family reflects a timeline of events unfolding over generations and is a narrative about cross-cultural love and compromise, examining how external pressures and expectations unfold within private relationships。 


  《埋藏的历史》,布上丙烯、石墨、油彩,以树脂、颜料和线拼贴的眼球,275 × 390 cm,2012-2017

  Buried History, Acrylic, graphite and oil on canvas with collaged eyes of resin, color pigment and thread, 275 × 390 cm, 2012-2017

  Wiharso’s current work focuses on the duality of cultures and experiences in his two homelands - Indonesia and America。  Including both sculpture and installation, the exhibition is anchored by a series of paintings created in the United States。 Two large paintings, Blue Lingga (2017) and Half Dead Giant (2017), feature dense compositions of figures and landscapes with a vibrant color-palette punctuated by dark recesses。  The wall-mounted reliefs offer lush, detailed surfaces that draw viewers in while offering biting, humorous and poignant commentary。 These works along with an extraordinary series of psychological portraits of lone figures and couples, the Monster Project Series, all contain handmade resin eyes that bulge from the surfaces, engaging the viewer with a frank gaze。 Wiharso states, “Monster Projects looks at the emerging conditions in America and Indonesia - the extreme behavior, the move toward fanaticism and polarization, and an increasingly common refusal to acknowledge other’s feelings。 I’ve been questioning why this situation is occurring when we are more mobile and global。  Is this how people try to protect their identity or inheritance, or is it a resistance to globalization?”

来源:新浪收藏 责任编辑:简宁
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