第三届今日文献展罗马站巡展前言李叔同、丰子恺和钱君匋:因为刚好遇见你中国古典建筑中的照壁艺术江苏如东发现唐宋国清寺遗址 出土文物近千件陕西:新技术为文物修复揭开神秘面纱广东省博物馆掏家底展山水画 仇英大作助阵《丁哲论古玉》新书发布会在北京图书大厦举行河南当代陶艺七人展在石佛艺术公社画廊举办读夏回:诗性的水墨表达张弓的“新物种起源”打开世界的另一种方式凝望云林—环太湖山水画学术邀请展隆重开幕“长毋相忘” 一枚汉代银带钩的千年相思宋体黑体楷体等字体是如何诞生的偏锋新艺术空间现场:抽象,一种绘画修辞和田玉对牌升值潜力巨大2018中国写意油画学派人物专题研究展将举办人民画院河北分院成立仪式在渤海新区举行齐白石:我画山水诸多非议 我要绝笔了方寸荷花别样红:荷花题材邮票赏析用民间剪纸精华滋养当代艺术“水墨蔚县—天津书画名家走进蔚县”创作笔会暨采风活动举行京华岁月 翰墨生涯一一高鸿中国画作品选粹破头禅墨——明鉴法师作品展在上海图书馆开幕“造化”走进宁夏隆德-李旭飞山水画展7月26日开幕汉代画像石拓本展、化建国水墨作品巡展在滨海美术馆开幕“吉光凤羽·马丽亚绘画展”在日本东京RBA国际美术馆开幕中国画家冯琎:婉约江南阚传好中国画展在韩国展出 助推中韩文化交流纪念改革开放四十周年全国书画名家作品展在天津图书馆开幕天津SOS儿童村书画特长班学员李鹏个人作品汇报展开幕工笔当代—天津工笔重彩研究中心首届画展开幕天津市首届青年美术创作双年展在西青区文化中心开幕第七届全国少儿书画大赛天津赛区获奖作品展在河西区少年宫开幕北方的精神-京津水彩名家作品邀请展研讨会在滨海美术馆举行荣宝斋、天津人美主办“当代中国画名家学术邀请展”在京开幕
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天津美术网 www.022meishu.com 2018-07-23 14:58


  天津美术网讯 本次展览不仅探索新兴市场激增所带来的全球经济、社会、文化的变革进程,而且检视了艺术介入这一变革的多种方式及带给文化、社会和个体的影响。

  法语:bric-à-brac,泛指混杂的、不规则事物的集合,并隐含混乱之意。巧合地是,该词组的第一个词 (bric)是金砖四国英文首字母缩写组合——巴西(第七大经济体),俄罗斯(第十三),印度(第六),中国(第二)。“金砖四国”一词由经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔于2001年首次提出,旨在讨论这四个国家在全球经济格局中扮演的重要角色。金砖国家是世界上最大的新兴经济体;它们占全世界百分之二十五以上的陆地面积,拥有超过百分之四十的世界人口。该缩写已被广泛用于概括这一具有历史意义的进程:在后冷战时期,由于发展中国家全球经济实力的迅速提升,开始在国际上扮演领导角色。







  This exhibition explores the process of global economic, social and cultural transformations that the boom of emerging market economies has introduced. It examines various ways in which art has participated in or reacted to some of the transitions involved, and to their effects on culture, society and the individual.

  The French expression bric-à-brac is broadly employed to mean jumble, or an uneven group of things, with a certain undertone of confusion. The first word of this idiom coincides by chance with the acronym BRIC — Brazil (7th world economy), Russia (13th), India (6th) and China (2nd) —, launched in 2001 by economist Jim O'Neill to discuss the major global economic role that these four countries are playing. The BRICs are the largest emerging economies in the world, and account for more than 25% of the world's land area and more than 40% of its population. The acronym has come into widespread use to epitomize a historic process: the dramatic increase of the developing world’s global economic power, which has come to play a leading international role in the post-Cold War era.

  This shift is a decisive outcome of globalization that is reshaping the world and therefore having a planetary impact not only in economy, but also in politics, society, the environment, culture and life. It is changing the way in which modernity and colonialism had structured the world. Traditional divisions between First and Third Worlds have exploded, giving way to a mixed, more decentralized distribution of roles. The new situation not only involves the BRIC countries, but other emerging economies in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Although some of these economies are suffering the general constraints in today’s world economy, they are changing the global status quo — and its chart of power —, diversifying the former exclusivism of hegemonic economies in North America, Western Europe and Japan. The Chinese title of this exhibition, “Another Choice”, stresses the heterodox character of this mutation and, in a way, its “democratization” of world’s macro-economy.

  The new powerful market economies are rising from critical situations of underdevelopment. They are experiencing high-speed economic growth, industrialization, and major internal market expansion, accompanied by fast, uneven modernizations, in many cases in the midst of traditional societies. Sharp contrasts prevail in society as a result of these radical transformations. A bric-à-brac of disparate situations and processes distinguishes vibrant societies going through speedy – sometimes messy –, heterodox adjustments.

  This show explores these economic, social and cultural contrasts and contradictions. It looks into the “BRIC” as epitome of huge quantitative transformations that are changing the world, focusing on the “à-brac” of the qualitative complexities that economic growth has unchained in society.

  Many artists around the world react to, express, or discuss these issues using the power of art, creating profound insights to these contemporary problems. The exhibition includes well-known artists together with up-and-coming ones, since the criteria for choosing them was mainly based on how their works respond to the theme in a critical and provocative way, as well as their excellence and contemporary character.

  We see here artists who tackle social problems as well as others who are more oriented toward subjectivities, or who connote the exhibition’s general theme in an indirect way. All of them illuminate the complexities tackled by this show with artworks of great artistic and aesthetic impact.


  Huang Du , Gerardo Mosquera

来源:雅昌艺术网 责任编辑:简宁
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